Between heritage and historiography deindustrialization, unemployment and workers' history. A proposal from Navarra

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On the basis of the destruction of the industrial heritage of Pamplona, this article investigates the history of the workers concealed by the disappearance of the ancient factories, concerning the social consequences of deindustrialization and the struggles undertaken to combat them. In particular, it deals with one of the least studied aspects of this history: the fight against unemployment and the fight against unemployment. In order to analyse the issue, a proposal is presented to investigate the movements of the unemployed that emerged in the region of Pamplona in the first half of the 1980s, with the aim of placing the issue of unemployment within the framework of studies on deindustrialization, distinguishing the movements of the unemployed as an expression of the labour conflict resulting from this process and opening up new lines of research for the future.

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Nerea. (2023). Between heritage and historiography deindustrialization, unemployment and workers’ history.: A proposal from Navarra. Revista Gerónimo De Uztáriz Aldizkaria , (37).


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