Reflections on heritage and decolonial perspective in postindustrial studies in southern hemisphere communities.

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María Esperanza Rock Nuñez


Industrial Heritage has traditionally followed a primarily positivist approach, valorizing the glorious industrial past and its technological advancements, perpetuating dominant and hegemonic discourses that rarely represent the perspectives of the communities responding to the ruling classes.

This article reflects on the application of critical and decolonial perspectives to industrial heritage in territorial contexts of the southern hemisphere. It is grounded in the recognition of substantial differences between industrialization processes in both hemispheres.


For its analysis, we will explore theoretical currents stemming from epistemological and decolonial turns that have gained prominence since the late 20th century and significantly contribute to this reflection, connecting with a critical heritage perspective.

As a hypothesis, it is posited that the decolonial perspective will play a fundamental role in promoting authenticity, social justice, and equity in the preservation of post-industrial heritage. It is argued that this perspective will challenge and confront hegemonic colonial narratives from the northern hemisphere while fostering diversity of voices and values in heritage representation.

The objective of this research is to analyze the possible impact of the decolonial perspective on heritage studies in communities of the southern hemisphere experiencing deindustrialization processes. The aim is to develop a conceptual and practical framework that promotes authenticity, social justice, and equity in the preservation and representation of post-industrial heritage, recognizing the dynamics of domination.

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How to Cite
Rock Nuñez, M. E. (2023). Reflections on heritage and decolonial perspective in postindustrial studies in southern hemisphere communities. Revista Gerónimo De Uztáriz Aldizkaria , (37).
Author Biography

María Esperanza Rock Nuñez, University of Concepción (Chile). ANID-FONDECYT INICIACION 11230309






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