Lost echoes of a struggle: location and disappearance of factories in the Pamplona region in the 1970s.

Main Article Content

Edurne Turrillas Bueno
Imanol Satrustegi Andres
Izaskun Rodríguez Villar


From the 1950s onwards, an extraordinary industrial development took place in the Pamplona region, which led to the construction of dozens of new factories. It was precisely these newly built factories that were the main scene of the labour conflicts of the late 1960s and 1970s. However, after the 1980s and 1990s, many of them were closed down, relocated or bought by multinationals. The history of those factories and companies, as well as the people who worked in them, has been forgotten. The aim of this report is to quantify and identify on a map the main factories and companies of the late Francoist workers' movement, as well as to analyse the use that has been made of these spaces today.

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How to Cite
Turrillas Bueno, E., Satrustegi Andres, I., & Rodríguez Villar, I. (2023). Lost echoes of a struggle:: location and disappearance of factories in the Pamplona region in the 1970s. Revista Gerónimo De Uztáriz Aldizkaria , (37). https://doi.org/10.58504/rgu.37.3
Author Biographies

Edurne Turrillas Bueno, Universidad Pública de Navarra




Imanol Satrustegi Andres, Public Univertity of Navarre



Izaskun Rodríguez Villar, Public Univertity of Navarre




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