Women in Navarrese public sphere Associationism, the labor world and female professional sectors (1931-1933)

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Iranzu García Vergara


The purpose of this work is to illustrate the imprint that the legislative changes of the Reformist Biennium (1931-1933) had on women.  These new measures approved by the republican government provoked the mobilization of Navarrese women who left their homes to form part of the public sphere.  There was an awareness as a group that led to a proliferation of political, religious and labor associations.  This last, fruit of the productive framework that existed in Navarra, specifically in Pamplona.  All this accompanied by the Maternity Insurance that supported the woman during pregnancy and childbirth to encourage her not to leave work.  This measure showed a gap between the law and the mentality of the Navarrese woman, who did not see the benefit of it and rejected it since most of them stopped working when they married.

In order to carry out a complete analysis of the reality, both hemerographic sources were combined through the press of the time: Diario de Navarra, El Pensamiento Navarro and La Voz de Navarra, as well as primary sources in the General Archive of Navarra and the Municipal Archive. from Pamplona.  The confluence of these sources allows us to approach the reality of women and their participation in the Navarrese public sphere.

The following lines show how religiosity and the strength of the right wings gave rise to a Catholic feminism that led to the creation of political or religious associations whose purpose was for women to take an active part in the public defense of these values.  Although the woman did not detach herself from her traditional role, she began to participate in different areas in the public sphere.  A jump that had a great social influence as evidenced by the press.

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How to Cite
García Vergara, I. (2022). Women in Navarrese public sphere: Associationism, the labor world and female professional sectors (1931-1933). Revista Gerónimo De Uztáriz Aldizkaria , (36), 151–175. https://doi.org/10.58504/rgu.36.8
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